Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Dear Lord, guide me as
I try to coach this team;
to build each player’s character
and boost their self-esteem.

May I keep an even temper
and remember it’s just a game.
Let me not have favorite players,
but treat them all the same.

Grant me patience with them
as I praise them or correct,
remembering that I must work
to earn each one’s respect.

Lord, whether we may win or lose
may all who are watching see
the kind of coach at every game
that you would have me be.

By: Tony Alfonso

Last week while I was waiting to meet with the Athletic Director at Murrieta Mesa to turn in some paper work, I had a few moments to look around the school's gymnasium.  In the entrance lobby there were several cases that displayed team pictures, signed baseballs and footballs along with many awards achieved by players and teams.  In one of the cases I found the above Coach's Prayer.  I had never heard of it before but the words left an impression on me.  Simple words to remember but not always easily done.  I hope that within the opportunities I have to coach,  that I will constantly have this prayer in my heart and be able to focus on individuals as well as all the "small and simple things"  and let  "winning" be a byproduct of the hard work, dedication and determination.  It is very similar to how the Lord and the Gospel works in our lives. Alma 37:6-7  His purpose is "...to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."  Christ has fulfilled is promise and we must continually strive to fulfill our responsibilty.  Through the small and simple things such as; repentance, saying our daily prayers, reading our scriptures, serving others and obeying His commandments, we will be on the "strait and narrow path" leading to eternal life.  If it is our goal is to return to live with our Father in Heaven and our Savior I know that these small and simple, not always easy, things will be apart of our lives and through them we will find peace and joy in this life and in the life to come.

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